Conservatives Party Pledge Tracker

The Conservative party made up the previous few governments, depending on how they are counted, and so many of their pledges revolve around continuing courses of action already taken. As the official opposition, they have more power to challenge the government publicly to stick to their own promises and argue for actions that go further.

Please note, where anti-climate actions have been promised, the party will still be judged based on their success in advocating or implementing this change.


The Green Economy

Party Pledge

What progress has been made?

No new Green Levies

No new Green Levies have been planned, key Conservative figures have called to scrap existing levies

Maintain the UK’s global leadership on Climate change

The Government has not been involved in any major international climate moments

Achieve Net Zero in the UK by 2050

A full assessment of the Government’s progress towards Net-Zero, including their new policy, has not been made

Invest £1.1bn in the Green Industries Growth Accelerator

The GIGA has not seen any further investment announced


Party Pledge

What progress has been made?

Accelerate the rollout of renewables

The Government has lifted the defacto ban on onshore wind and announced approval for over 100 renewables projects

Ensure annual licensing rounds of oil and gas production in the North Sea and maintain investment allowances in the industry

The Government has committed to not granting any new licences for oil and gas production

Treble offshore wind capacity and build new gas power stations to support the growing sector

The Government has lifted the defacto ban on onshore wind, but has not announced any new gas power stations

Build 2 carbon capture and storage clusters, 2 new fleets of modular nuclear reactors, and halve the time taken to approve new reactors

A selection process for small modular reactor technology is currently underway

Introduce an incentive scheme for energy firms investing in the most disadvantaged UK areas

No apparent progress has been made on this

Develop a new import carbon pricing mechanism by 2027

The Government has indicated its support for the existing CBAM but have not announced their intention to replace it

Reform standing charges, maintaining the energy price cap, and introduce more efficient local markets for electricity

The Conservative party has raised this issue in parliament and government bodies are reviewing it

Implement the Winser Review of network connectivity

The government has committed to the principles laid out in the Winser Review

Ensure domestic consent for all new onshore wind

The Government has lifted the defacto ban on onshore wind

Transport and Infrastructure

Party Pledge

What progress has been made?

Invest £36bn in local roads, rail, and buses to drive regional growth, including £8.3 billion to improve road infrastructure

The Government have not made clear the exact figures of their investment into roads, rail, and buses

A ‘Backing Drivers Bill’, reversing the London ULEZ decision and mandating local referendums on 20mph limits and LTNs

The Conservative party has continued to vocalise its objection to ULEZs and LTNs but no change has occured

Maintain the £2 bus fare cap

The fare cap will continue until December 2024 and the government has not announced an extension

Invest £4.7bn in the North and Midlands to spend on transport priorities

The Government have not made clear the exact figures of their investment into roads, rail, and buses

Remove the ban on Mayors investing in strategic roads

The government have announced a broad increase in the powers of mayors over strategic infrastructure

Use the funding from the cancelled leg of HS2 to fund electrification and further rail infrastructure and stations in the North

The Government has not announced where funding from the cancelled leg of HS2 will be allocated

Create Great British Railways as a private-public partnership organisation and improve accessibility in 100 rail stations

The Government has committed to creating Great British Railways and introduced this in the King’s Speech

Electrification of the North Wales main line

Conservative figures have raised this in parliament but the government has refused to commit to it

Deliver all the schemes set out in the Network North Command Paper

The Government has refused to commit to these schemes

Invest in sustainable aviation fuel through the SAF mandate and support the domestic flight industry

This has been largely committed to through a sustainable aviation fuel bill in the King’s Speech

Improve connectivity across Scotland with support for road and rail improvements and ferry services

No major announcements have been made on Scottish transport

Nature and Agriculture

Party Pledge

What progress has been made?

Protect our best agricultural land from Solar Farms

The Conservatives have raised this issue in parliament but have not seen any progress

Ensure any offsetting requirements for new infrastructure and homes are proportionate

No signigificant progress has been made

Abolish the EU nutrient neutrality rules on housing

This issue has been raised in parliament but the government has no plans to abolish the rules

Maintain protections on the Green belt from housing developments

This issue has been raised in parliament but has not seen any progress

Introduce a legally binding target to enhance our food security

Ministers have begun plans concerning food security and have confirmed that further policy is incoming

50% of public food procurement expenditure is spent on food produced locally or to higher environmental production standards

Ministers are currently reviewing this commitment in line with WTO procurement agreements

Ratify the Global Oceans treaty and maintain the moratorium on deep sea mining

The Government has not commented on this issue since the election

Use fines from water companies to invest in river restoration projects

Legislation on this topic was launched in the King’s Speech

Launch a new design competition for Urban Greening

No significant progress made

Remove regulations blocking tree planting and introduce forest risk commodities

Ministers have confirmed they are addressing the use of forest risk commodities ‘in due course’

Designate an 11th national park

The Government have confirmed plans to create several national river walks and national forests, but no progress has been made

Enhanced penalties for fly tipping, a UK-wide deposit return scheme, and a ban on new waste incinerators

No significant progress made, but the topics have been acknowledged by Ministers in Parliament