Climate Assemblies: Turning Recommendations into Political Commitments

Why Climate Assemblies?

Across the UK,  over 50 climate assemblies and juries have already brought together community-members to learn, deliberate, and make recommendations on climate and nature action and many more are planned.

These spaces are diverse, powerful and vital, but the assembly recommendations are not being effectively communicated to and acted upon by politicians and policy makers.

Read the KNOCKA Guidance Document

We Want to Change That

Thanks to funding from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, over the next three years, we are working with climate assembly facilitators - testing and refining effective, scalable advocacy models, to ensure that participants have the sustained confidence, skills and support they need to influence climate and nature policies and decision-makers across the UK.

Join Us

If you are  part of a climate assembly, community organisation, or policymaking body, join us in making sure community reccomendations drive climate action.

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