UK Climate and Nature
Policy Pledge Tracker

This pledge tracker aims to show all the commitments the major national parties made on the climate and nature in the run up to the last general election. It can be used as a starting point for conversations with your MP and to help you better hold them to account.

Because manifestos are a bid for what parties want to do in government, pledges made by parties in opposition should be understood as topics they wish to focus on in parliament but may not have legislative power over.

Additionally, many of these pledges are focus areas intended for action over the next 5 years, many will have seen progress but few will have seen results.

All pledges have been colour-coded, with Red indicating that little to no progress has been achieved. Amber indicates where some progress has been made or plans have been confirmed. Green indicates that good progress has been made, firm plans have been put in motion, or pledges completed.

All grading is done from the perspective of the parties themselves, where a success for the Greens may be different to a success for Reform UK, and tries to account for what a party’s MPs are doing in parliament.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or corrections, please let us know at
