February 12, 2025

Welcoming the new government

We want to share our huge congratulations to all the incoming MPs from all parties. Whether they are new or returning to parliament, they have a huge job to do to represent their constituencies and we wish them every success.

Special welcome to the new MPs:

We want to give a special welcome to the new MPs joining parliament for the first time. 

Imagine you were starting a new job. It comes with lots to learn. You have to be full of curiosity and energy to see how you can best fit in and use your skills and experience usefully. You have lots of new people to meet and form positive working relationships with. You need to understand the expectations others have on you to deliver and the timeframes it is needed by. It can be exhilarating and overwhelming in equal measure.

If that’s true for a regular job, how much harder might it be for someone who was just elected to serve as a Member of Parliament for the first time? This is the case for 335 of the UKs 650 MPs, who were elected on 4th July 2024. They have a lot to get their heads around and we hope one of the things that will be very clear to them is that caring for the climate and nature is a key area to be focussing on, it cuts across no matter which portfolio they have been given or interests they have.

Hope for the climate and nature: 

We are hopeful that this government will be one that puts a lot of energy and focus into taking positive action for the climate and nature. We have already seen the ban on onshore wind being reversed, which means we have potential for an increase in more climate friendly energy. We are also pleased to see that Ed Milliband seems to be ambitious and ready to hit the ground running in his appointment as Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero. This is an area he has led on for the UK before and has shown himself to be passionate and knowledgeable about. 

Some of the recent political discussions in the UK in the run up to the election have started to frame action on the climate against the spiralling cost of living. This is dangerous and short sighted. Not taking action while we still can make a difference to the scale of the climate and nature changes we are all facing would only lead to incredibly high costs in the future. We hope that this new government will put an end to this dangerous rhetoric and move the focus back to what can and should we be doing now to create a positive environmental impact. 

Labour has a big majority in this new government, which means it will be easier for them to implement change. They also have the opportunity to form alliances with other parties within the government who want to see more climate action. Labour have so far committed to action around warmer, more energy efficient homes, strengthened regulation for water companies, investing in renewable energy, protecting the countryside and stopping any new licences for oil and gas exploration. These are exciting commitments that we look forward to hearing more detail about. We will be working with citizens across the UK to work with their MPs to secure further commitments and action around ensuring access to clean air, revoking oil drilling licences where drilling hasn’t started yet, limiting airport expansions and showing our commitment to being part of global climate solutions at the next international COP 29 conference, to name but a few. 

Want to help ensure the climate and nature are key issues for this new government?

The new government needs to hear from communities to understand local priorities. Remember, MPs are elected to work on behalf of all of us and they are keen to hear from their constituents on the issues that matter to them. If we don’t show them that the climate and nature is a key issue for people in the UK and one that will win them support, then they might reduce their ambition and focus, especially with the many competing priorities facing the UK.

So, why not come to one of our upcoming free training sessions to find out how you can build a positive working relationship with your MP and help to ensure that protecting our climate and nature is high up their agenda as early as possible in this new period of government? We have a range of dates and times to suit everyone. Click here to see the different training options we have coming up (though if they don’t suit you please get in touch so we can try to arrange a future date and time that does). The training lasts for 90 minutes and will support you with a range of tools and ideas on how you can start effective conversations and work well together with your local MP. 

We believe that everyone has the potential and power to be a change-maker in their community and that by working collaboratively with our politicians we can ensure there is Hope for the Future. 

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