February 12, 2025

Taking direct action makes positive changes in climate crisis

Jennifer Clair Robson from Climate Action North introduces us to their work in this blog post. This is the second part of our collaboration with Climate Action North, you can read our Press and Media Officer Jamie’s blog on their website here.

Failure is not an option for one social enterprise that works tirelessly to drive the necessary changes to halt the climate crisis by helping everyone taking direct action.

Through its raft of initiatives Climate Action North encourages and engages with as many people, community groups, and businesses as possible to mobilise climate action and make the changes needed to fight the climate crisis and inspire hope for the future. 

Spanning the North of England and the Scottish borders, the company is run by directors Sharon Lashley, Jennifer Clair Robson, Julie Harrison, and Phil Macari who, after working on a wide variety of climate change issues throughout their careers, decided to pool their knowledge and experience to make a positive difference. 

“We want as many people and businesses as possible to start taking action to halt and reverse the climate crisis,” managing director Sharon explains, “and we knew we could combine our expertise to help others to find ways to take action to make things better and avoid doing things that make it worse.”

No one can tackle the climate crisis alone and no one must be left behind, which is why Climate Action North’s wide range of projects ensure that there is something for everyone so that they can share ideas and learn how to take climate action that can easily be applied in everyday life. 

“We mobilise and inspire communities, businesses, schools and individuals to make one small change or many changes to help fight the climate and ecological crises,” Sharon said, “and we support local action and thinking globally, through our Global Wilders® programme using our influence, experience, and expertise to grow our network of climate champions and supporters whether it be through direct action in our projects or through other support method such online sponsorships or donations.

 “We’re rewilding the North’s business parks through our Pollinator Parks® project, creating mini meadows and gardens for pollinators as well as providing much needed connectivity and green spaces for wildlife and wellbeing of communities. Building on the 30/30 target of organisations such as Rewilding Britain and Wildlife Trusts, we want to see 30 percent of business parks rewilded by 2030. 

“We’re also supporting businesses, through our Business Action Toolkit, in lowering carbon emissions, boosting resilience to the changing climate, and get on track to transition to a green future by making simple changes through climate and nature-based solutions to help achieve net zero and climate emergency targets.

“Through our Training Academy we help upskill and educate people with our CPD-accredited courses. Topics include community rewilding; energy efficiency; renewable energy; reducing emissions and net zero; ocean pollution and single use plastics; environmental awareness and resource efficiency.

“And anyone can take climate action from the comfort of their desk or armchair by becoming a Climate Action North Patreon. There are three levels of monthly support available all with a great selection of rewards and patreons will also be supporting direct action and helping make a real difference in the fight to tackle the climate emergency and climate crisis.

“Our vision is “The time for talking is over, today we need to act” and we want as many people as possible to make the changes we desperately need to fight the climate crisis.

“After all,” Sharon concludes, “if the 8 billion people on the planet all made “one small change” then this, alongside much bigger global changes, would be a positive start to stabilising the fragile environment we love so dearly and the need to sustain life on earth.”

Get in touch to support Climate Action North’s work. Our actions now will make a difference to tomorrow. Visit the website at www.climateactionnortheast.org.uk


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